[TOT: 134.595.221.000] PEDRO [AMIGOS] vs. mali_vrag [Fleet] (A:, D: 119.505.094.000)

  • otcha CR Conver

    Posveta mojim Amigosima i cijeloj ekipi koja je prodavala deut....

    Moj najveci solo dosad,zna cijeli unij da nikog ne diram...samo po inaktivcima al sam ekipi reko da cu te odraditi kad tad.

    Vrag nece da radi FS ....sad nakon ovog egzorcizma ..mozda hoces a i ne moras sto se mene tice

    Bio si dosadan sa onim spyevima plus letis na flotu dok sam online i saljem ekspe sa planeta tebi pod nosom. imas falangi..i to razlicitih planeta...tako da to nije to bot nego ja ,nisam ocekivao takav noob potez od tebe,gledam i ne vjerujem da saljes napad...al ajd.

    Taman sef kaze aj kuci ..trebas mi u nedelju tako da se stvorila idealna prilika da ovo odradim

    Dusty se zahvaljuje Cezaru za info.

    Ostale ZS ,njih sam dotuko da odradim faming...nisam ni slao rece ..Vragu malo bilo sto se kaze :D

    On 06-10-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker PEDRO [AMIGOS]


    Light Fighter 754.467

    Heavy Fighter 256.295

    Cruiser 101.511

    Battleship 68.532

    Battlecruiser 102.544

    Bomber 8.629

    Destroyer 1.422.185

    Reaper 19.774

    Pathfinder 105.052


    Defender mali_vrag [Fleet]


    Small Cargo 619.038

    Large Cargo 381.956

    Light Fighter 810.402

    Heavy Fighter 40

    Cruiser 587.605

    Battleship 285.426

    Colony Ship 12

    Recycler 1.590.503

    Espionage Probe 1.786

    Bomber 1.877

    Destroyer 11.439

    Deathstar 1.101

    Battlecruiser 510.948

    Reaper 8.005

    Pathfinder 3.092


    After the battle ...

    Attacker PEDRO [AMIGOS]


    Light Fighter 75.960 ( -678.507 )

    Heavy Fighter 39.080 ( -217.215 )

    Cruiser 45.040 ( -56.471 )

    Battleship 57.796 ( -10.736 )

    Battlecruiser 94.799 ( -7.745 )

    Bomber 8.177 ( -452 )

    Destroyer 1.380.044 ( -42.141 )

    Reaper 19.305 ( -469 )

    Pathfinder 44.392 ( -60.660 )


    Defender mali_vrag [Fleet]


    Small Cargo 0 ( -619.038 )

    Large Cargo 0 ( -381.956 )

    Light Fighter 0 ( -810.402 )

    Heavy Fighter 0 ( -40 )

    Cruiser 0 ( -587.605 )

    Battleship 0 ( -285.426 )

    Colony Ship 0 ( -12 )

    Recycler 0 ( -1.590.503 )

    Espionage Probe 0 ( -1.786 )

    Bomber 0 ( -1.877 )

    Destroyer 0 ( -11.439 )

    Deathstar 1.101 ( -0 )

    Battlecruiser 0 ( -510.948 )

    Reaper 0 ( -8.005 )

    Pathfinder 0 ( -3.092 )


    The battle ends in a draw.

    The attacker captured:

    0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of units.

    The defender lost a total of 119.505.094.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 57.011.937.495 metal and crystal.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.


    Debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    0 Metal and 1.440.000 Crystal Metal and 5.392.071.306 Crystal

    14.503.440.000 Metal and 14.503.440.000 Crystal

    14.503.440.000 Metal and 14.503.440.000 Crystal

    Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    52.031.951.696 Metal and 34.400.391.306 Crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 43.772.045.696

    Crystal: 28.932.842.306

    Deuterium: -1.362.672.000

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 71.342.216.002 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -63.276.469.000

    Crystal: -43.823.493.000

    Deuterium: -12.405.132.000

    The defender(s) lost a total of 119.505.094.000 units.

    Powered by OGter 4.3.2