s obzirom da je samo tebi, vjerojatno ti je nešto isteklo (inzinjer oficir ili promjena klase itd)
Posts by Kelenken
Savez nista ne znaci pravom lovcu. Moras samog sebe zastitit. Zagadra je x5 war speed tako da tu ako nisi u FS cim ti flota lezi preko 15minuta uvijek postoji rizik da ce te netko skinut, pogotovo ako si socan zalogaj.
Lijepo je vidjet da se ljudi druže i zabavljaju, samo tako
Mag, je li igraš ovaj novi uni ili se skrivas?
Losa kompozicija flote gospodina agenta, fodder gazi sve.
lomi bez milosti
ovaj tata mata lik igra jos od urse prije merge
Znaci par godina, account na istoj razini bodova
Sve što radi je namjerno izazivanje jačih igrača i bidanje na aukcijama
Dosta bitna greska koju bi trebalo ispraviti
I meni je pokazao tko je šef unija, srušio transe, satelite i malo proizvodnje brodogradilišta.
FR tebi i meni i svima drugima
Čestitam ekipi na organizaciji i udaru. Na neki naćin sam vam i zahvalan jer sam još pred više od godinu dana na forumu najavio odlazak nakon punih 20 godina igre. I istina je da nije lako ni napustiti ovu zaraznu igru. I tada sam odlučio da neću više raditi fs, pa kad ja ne mogu sebe obuzdati da ne igram, pa nek to uradi netko drugi. I taj dan je došao i ja vas napuštam. I svima vam želim puno borbi i lijepih trenutaka u ovoj igri.
Uživaj u slobodi, vidjet ćeš da je puno bolje samo pazi, lako se zarazit ponovo
Dosao je i taj dan da se srusi #1. Covjek nikad ne radi FS jer misli da je nedodirljiv, ali ovo je ACS uni. Bilo je samo pitanje vremena kad svi mogu doci po noci da se odradi udar.
Prva runda nerjesena, posao je dovrsen u nastavku, sve rusevine su doma i profit je solidan (jos i veci zbog rusevina generala).
FR Fisher!
poruka od gigixxx : Posveta duraku savezu i svim starim jaranima s ogame!
On 26-08-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Sun Tzu
Light Fighter 18.269.749
Heavy Fighter 162.923
Cruiser 1.282.330
Battleship 1.621.409
Battlecruiser 463.108
Reaper 178.625
Attacker Barrack_Obama [Eko]
Cruiser 228.514
Battleship 625.176
Battlecruiser 12.853
Pathfinder 4.918
Attacker Domestos
Light Fighter 8.951.863
Heavy Fighter 2.152.830
Cruiser 1.003.574
Battleship 235.272
Battlecruiser 361.552
Pathfinder 65.909
Attacker Gigixxx [Bad co]
Light Fighter 21.690.727
Heavy Fighter 3.641.990
Cruiser 3.313.490
Battleship 712.976
Battlecruiser 901.145
Bomber 4.979
Destroyer 870.675
Reaper 1.055.909
Pathfinder 15.447
Defender Fisher [HKP]
Small Cargo 4.167
Large Cargo 492.941
Light Fighter 45.000.010
Heavy Fighter 2.470
Cruiser 1.500.008
Battleship 1.500.000
Colony Ship 15
Recycler 6.500.000
Espionage Probe 3.498.221
Bomber 25.573
Destroyer 1.000.000
Deathstar 15.000
Battlecruiser 1.200.000
Reaper 900.000
Pathfinder 152.938
Rocket Launcher 3.000
Light Laser 6.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 1.000
Ion Cannon 1.000
Plasma Turret 1.000
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Sun Tzu
Light Fighter 6.624.604 ( -11.645.145 )
Heavy Fighter 75.695 ( -87.228 )
Cruiser 825.416 ( -456.914 )
Battleship 1.275.779 ( -345.630 )
Battlecruiser 385.041 ( -78.067 )
Reaper 159.841 ( -18.784 )
Attacker Barrack_Obama [Eko]
Cruiser 147.667 ( -80.847 )
Battleship 492.821 ( -132.355 )
Battlecruiser 10.742 ( -2.111 )
Pathfinder 3.144 ( -1.774 )
Attacker Domestos
Light Fighter 3.235.897 ( -5.715.966 )
Heavy Fighter 993.409 ( -1.159.421 )
Cruiser 638.789 ( -364.785 )
Battleship 184.303 ( -50.969 )
Battlecruiser 299.084 ( -62.468 )
Pathfinder 40.894 ( -25.015 )
Attacker Gigixxx [Bad co]
Light Fighter 8.067.842 ( -13.622.885 )
Heavy Fighter 1.729.590 ( -1.912.400 )
Cruiser 2.169.040 ( -1.144.450 )
Battleship 581.198 ( -131.778 )
Battlecruiser 756.333 ( -144.812 )
Bomber 4.335 ( -644 )
Destroyer 773.712 ( -96.963 )
Reaper 947.055 ( -108.854 )
Pathfinder 9.920 ( -5.527 )
Defender Fisher [HKP]
Small Cargo 0 ( -4.167 )
Large Cargo 0 ( -492.941 )
Light Fighter 0 ( -45.000.010 )
Heavy Fighter 0 ( -2.470 )
Cruiser 185 ( -1.499.823 )
Battleship 16.764 ( -1.483.236 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -15 )
Recycler 19 ( -6.499.981 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -3.498.221 )
Bomber 1.703 ( -23.870 )
Destroyer 154.678 ( -845.322 )
Deathstar 15.000 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 50.233 ( -1.149.767 )
Reaper 286.052 ( -613.948 )
Pathfinder 24 ( -152.914 )
Rocket Launcher 0 ( -3.000 )
Light Laser 0 ( -6.000 )
Heavy Laser 0 ( -1.000 )
Gauss Cannon 1 ( -999 )
Ion Cannon 0 ( -1.000 )
Plasma Turret 76 ( -924 )
Small Shield Dome 0 ( -1 )
Large Shield Dome 1 ( -0 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker captured:
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
8.659.803.962 Metal, 7.773.652.281 Crystal and 4.141.411.575 Deuterium
7.240.825.284 Metal, 1.943.413.070 Crystal and 1.035.352.894 Deuterium
1.810.206.321 Metal, 485.853.267 Crystal and 258.838.224 Deuterium
452.551.581 Metal, 121.463.317 Crystal and 64.709.556 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 312.569.419.000 units.
Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 350.988.738.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 747.651.068.000 units.
Total damage defender including follow-ups: 968.778.534.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 306.585.019.388 metal and 160.872.851.616 crystal.
Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 55.364.008.781 metal and 40.677.810.222 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 33.988.081.332 units.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 149.124.894.317
Crystal: 107.632.918.773
Deuterium: -10.258.779.751
The attacker(s) made a profit of 246.499.033.339 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -569.014.613.648
Crystal: -344.516.442.435
Deuterium: -89.235.559.249
The defender(s) lost a total of 1.002.766.615.332 units.
15k CM vise nije moguce ni kad je x9 event, to što dobivas dobivaju svi isto
I na Vegi se nadje nesto...
Recikleri pusteni na praznom mjesecu, vjerojatno kao mamac za ninju. Zagrizao sam svakako
FR, pozdrav
On 01-08-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Sun Tzu [Eko]
Cruiser 1.058.322
Battleship 1.228.291
Battlecruiser 462.544
Pathfinder 182.324
Defender Fisher [HKP]
Light Fighter 10
Heavy Fighter 1
Cruiser 1
Battleship 1
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 6.300.001
Espionage Probe 15
Battlecruiser 1
Reaper 1
Pathfinder 1
Rocket Launcher 3.000
Light Laser 5.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 1.000
Ion Cannon 1.000
Plasma Turret 1.000
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Sun Tzu [Eko]
Cruiser 1.054.915 ( -3.407 )
Battleship 1.226.568 ( -1.723 )
Battlecruiser 461.975 ( -569 )
Pathfinder 181.803 ( -521 )
Defender Fisher [HKP]
Light Fighter 0 ( -10 )
Heavy Fighter 0 ( -1 )
Cruiser 0 ( -1 )
Battleship 1 ( -0 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 1.427 ( -6.298.574 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -15 )
Battlecruiser 0 ( -1 )
Reaper 0 ( -1 )
Pathfinder 0 ( -1 )
Rocket Launcher 0 ( -3.000 )
Light Laser 0 ( -5.000 )
Heavy Laser 0 ( -1.000 )
Gauss Cannon 7 ( -993 )
Ion Cannon 2 ( -998 )
Plasma Turret 147 ( -853 )
Small Shield Dome 1 ( -0 )
Large Shield Dome 1 ( -0 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker captured:
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 266.699.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 113.554.357.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 31.576.421.000 metal and 18.935.939.500 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 31.409.508.000
Crystal: 18.855.670.500
Deuterium: -19.517.000
The attacker(s) made a profit of 50.245.661.500 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -63.072.929.000
Crystal: -37.856.649.000
Deuterium: -12.624.779.000
The defender(s) lost a total of 113.554.357.000 units.
Odlican udar!
Mr. Slave pare nisu bitne mozes imati najjaci account u uniju, ali ako si los igrac nista neces ulovit. Treba truda i vremena ulozit za ovo izvest, pogotovo 1x uni. Ja mogu priznat da nebi nikad mogao jer nemam vremena ni strpljenja za tako duge napade, tako da svaka cast.
Miljarda bodova u ekonomiji i odustanes zbog gubitka nepotrebne flotice od 30 miljardi? : )
GG, sretno